The story of my life

Just kidding, and I won't be offended if you don't read it all :Þ

Well, there's really not a whole lot to tell. The number one thing that has happened in my life is that I prayed to accept Jesus Christ as my savior when I was three. It would be a huge understatement to say that He has helped me over the years. I've never gone through anything traumatic, but life is not always perfect. With Jesus, however, it is for me. That's not to say I never struggle or fall, but I am infinitely grateful for my relationship with Jesus.

Now about physical life, I was homeschooled by both of my parents from kindergarten all the way until I graduated high school. I took the California High School Proficiency Examination in November of 1997 and passed (which gave me the equivalent of a degree). I began attending a junior college a couple months before my 16th birthday and am looking now for where I should transfer in a couple years. (See, even though I stopped talking about Jesus, it always comes back to Him. For it was He who gave me the abilities and gifts and Who helped through everything.) (P.S. My major is Communications.)

I have taken in part in several different sports activities as well. I survived a couple months of ballet when I was 5-6. Then I made it through ice skating with some friends. The next adventure was gymnastics, which I started after watching the 1992 summer Olympics. I competed for three seasons before quiting when I reached level eight. Currently, I am practicing fencing at my college and am going to begin competing this next semester.

I am actively involved with our church. My dad is an elder at Family Life Church. I operate the sound board on Sunday mornings, and help with special events. We have an absolutely terrific youth group (see my links page to go to the JUSTICE home page.) and I love attending every week. We also just got back from a Beach Evangelism trip, which was really cool!

Well then, I guess that's it. My summary is complete and you won't have to take any sleeping pills before bed tonight. Have a wonderful day and God bless y'all!

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